Leasing Office Space in Toledo
All small businesses face the decision of whether to buy or lease office space. At some point your business will outgrow your current location and will need to be moved to a bigger one, in order to facilitate further growth of your business. Before you start looking you need to decide whether you are going to buy or lease office space. There are advantages and disadvantages with either option. Analyze your business requirements and options and make an educated guess. Leasing is a good solution, especially if yours is a rapidly expanding business. Leasing gives you the option of operating out of a prime location. Offices for lease are generally located in downturn areas. Leasing also frees up capital to invest in other areas of your business. But with leases there is a possibility that you will face an increase in rent upon contract renewal. Also leasing an office will not increase the holdings of your company. On the other hand, buying an office means a fixed monthly overhead...